I’ve worked with a wide variety of different backgrounds from young children to the elderly, 
business owners to freelancers,
all faiths and beliefs,
spiritual to sceptics… 
Doesn’t matter which beliefs, 
as beliefs are just what holds us back.
What really matters is that a commitment to go beyond exists. And here this journey begins.

Clients come to me for a variety of reasons, here’s a breakdown:
30% want to improve their
40% want to live their
50% need to
heal their bodies
60% to
clarify and achieve their goals

Hello! I am Raquel, let me introduce myself.

Hope you find this intro insightful and a real guide as to what it is I'm involved in.

In the last decade, my time has been dedicated to helping people using various methods of healing, coaching, and guidance. The experiences that have led me to this vocation were through acting. Seeing auras and intuitively knowing what’s happening within one, took me on a journey to search for a method (inside the acting and coaching world) to help people deal with their minds and emotions, and find their power.

I soon left Madrid and moved to London, where I was following my intuition. I knew it would be challenging and not my ideal environment i.e. weather, even so, I took my intuition and followed it. It was right. As soon as I arrived many things were unfolding. Many opportunities began to open in front of me. One thing leads to another and then the following opened before me:

I started kinesiology in 2010. Followed up by learning remote viewing and psychic development at the London College of Psychic Studies.

In 2011-2012 I was taught the Silva Method by a very special person (she guides me through my heart since she is no longer with us in this physical world). She learned from José Silva when she was very young. This became the foundation of my practice.

In February 2013 I qualified as a Life Alignment Practitioner in London, which I continued with advanced modules in South Africa.

In 2015 I created Find Your Point based on a series of drawings and lots of written material that have been developing for a while. It’s my way of helping people from any age and background, finding awareness and guidance, and solving issues by finding one’s point.

In 2020 I included Astrology and Organisational Alignment in my practice.

I have been working with individuals, couples, businesses, and groups, as well as facilitating events and workshops since 2013.

Please have a look at my Solutions subpages, and feel free to contact me.