This technique is evolved from Raquel's unique method © Find Your Point.
This process of self-understanding to create the life you really desire.
Raquel uses Find Your Point in private and group sessions, talks and now is available in an Online Course.
Find Your Point method helps you to:
Get clarity to be in your purpose
Discover gifts within yourself
Make decisions
Use your potential
Understand for overcoming limitations
Acknowledge your intuition
Adapt this way of knowing without asking the previous way of thinking
Be the master of your life
Everything you feel, think and do is being determined by your point.
Everything around you, your life (work, career, relationships…) is being determined by your point.
What’s going on with your point?
This point is you.
Your inner self.
What is your point missing?
A bit of attention.
Attention from you.
If you listen to your self, your needs, your wishes, your truth, you get information from you, you find your point.
Find Your Point
Online Courses
Empower yourself with guidance and purpose
These private consultations are available for businesses, organisations and individuals.
Daily/weekly sessions, guided meditations and planning are bespoke to your needs.
Find Your Point by Acting
Bring you back into power of your own life
Find Your Point through guided meditation:
Listen to it in a quiet space, on your own, where you have space and time to relax.
Follow the flow: